GDP & Billionaire index Analysis

A comprehensive data analysis and visual representation of successfull individuals and emerging economies with Technological background.

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A global view of the Billionaire spread throughout the world

Prevalent industries in the Area

Growing impact of Technology

As we observed from the various word clouds in the previous section.

We can easily conclude that technology plays a major role in these different parts of the world for successfull individuals.

As majority of the nations with big contribution to Billionaires have a significant contribution in Technology itself.

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Top 10 countries according to GDP Years(2000-2020)

As Technological advancements occured individuals progressed

As we observed in the previous section.

Advancements in technology not only helped in successfull individuals but also in successfull economies too.

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Concentration of Billionaire with Technology as the primary Domain

Possible Technological centers for future successfull individuals.

As we observed in the previous section.

There are still many countries that might produce more successfull individuals by observing the use of technology throughout the globe.

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